Call down
Curse someone / something
Call of nature
Need to go to toilet
Call the roll
Call out to check the total number
Can a duck swim?
An Ironic question to ask someone who say something stupid.
Can of worms
Something anyone don't want to be involved.
Can't get a word in edgeways
Have no chance to say anything
Can't make head nor tail
Cannot understand something
Can't take a chance
Can't take a risk
Carrot and stick
A combination of good and bad/ positive and negative.
Carry a big stick
Carry so much power or authority.
Cat got a tongue
Can't speak / talk (for any reasons)
Catch some rays
Walk/ sit under the sun
Caught between two stools
You have to choose between two difficult options
Chance it
Take a risk / Take a chance to try
Chip on the shoulder
Still angry from something in the past
Cold Sweat
Feel very nervous of something
Come in handy
Become beneficial
Come off
Come to pass
Happen / Occur
Confide in
Trust someone enough to tell the secret or personal story
Cost an arm and a leg
Extremely expensive
Count on
Trust / Reply on
Count towards
Approve that something is correct / becomes effective
Cut corners
Buy unacceptable quality products/services to save money