Jaw drop
Very amazing with something
Jekyll and Hyde
Describe person who has totally two different characters.
Jet lag
The symptom when you travel by air across time zone.
Jet set
Rich person who live luxurious life.
Jewel in the crown
he best part of something already very good.
Jockey the position
Try to train or someone to be best in their job/position
Joint forces
Strongly cooperate
Jump all over someone
Aggressively criticize on someone
Jump down someone's throat
Angry with someone
Jump ship
Abandon or escape from some situation
Jump start
Force to start
Jump to the conclusion
Come to the conclusion
Jump the queue
Move in front of other people in the queue.
Jump the gun
Do something before the right timing
Jungle out there
Something are dangerous outside
Just now
A moment ago
Just off the boat
Very innocent